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AI Took Your Job: The Inevitable Segregation of AI Users

I want to take a moment to talk about how people in today’s society are using AI. Although it has existed for a few years, AI is still a relatively new industry. What I have noticed is a stark difference in the way different groups of people are using AI as a tool. Some users merely use AI for general questions, writing emails, and providing base level information. Others craft complex prompts and instructions which enable AI to solve complex problems, automate tasks, and create complex content inventories and business models.From my observation, the next 1-2 years will reveal a truly significant separation between AI users, those who use AI at a base level and those who truly understand and can fully utilize AI to its full potential.

AI Took Your Job

One of the most prevalent concerns in today’s digital landscape is the potential for AI to automate and take over the jobs of many people who do not fully understand it. Though this may be true for some positions that could potentially be automated, this is not the rule. AI is constantly evolving, so it would be beneficial to remember that the current state of AI is the lowest level it will possibly be, meaning that it will only continue to evolve from here. This is why it is imperative for you to engage with AI while it is still somewhat in its infancy, and take advantage to understand it during its foundations, rather than trying to catch up years down the line.

Even if you are not worried about AI potentially taking over your job, it will only benefit you to learn the basic foundations of AI, such as using platforms like ChatGPT to streamline your tasks and image generation platforms like Dall-E for documents and presentations. The only way to avoid being phased out by AI is to adopt it into your process. It may seem daunting, but even a simple exploration like typing a question into ChatGPT can help you better understand its capabilities, and potentially discover a new tool to make your life easier. 

The Surface level user

The surface level AI user interacts with artificial intelligence in its most basic and intuitive forms, often without diving into the underlying complexities or the vast potential of the technology. This user type leverages AI through consumer-facing applications such as virtual assistants, recommendation systems on streaming services, or simple chatbots on websites. Their engagement with AI is characterized by convenience and the immediate benefits it brings to their daily life, such as setting reminders, asking for weather updates, or getting movie suggestions. While they benefit from the efficiency and personalization AI offers, their interaction remains at the application's interface, not delving into customization or understanding how AI processes and responds to their inputs. For them, AI is a tool that enhances productivity and entertainment, seamlessly integrating into their lives without the need for in-depth technical knowledge or the desire to explore beyond the surface functionalities.

Although this usage pattern applies to most of us when we begin exploring uses for AI, this may not be enough 1-2 years from now when the requirements for using AI have evolved beyond surface level questions.

The Adept AI User

On the other end of the spectrum lies the adept AI user, who not only utilizes AI tools but also actively engages with them through prompt engineering and customization. This user type has a deeper understanding of AI capabilities and leverages this knowledge to tailor AI responses to their specific needs. They write detailed prompts for AI platforms like ChatGPT, experiment with different AI models for content creation, data analysis, or design tasks, and are always on the lookout for ways to enhance the AI's output through precise and thoughtful input. The adept user views AI not just as a tool but as a collaborative partner, optimizing interactions to exploit the full range of AI's potential. They invest time in understanding the nuances of AI technology, staying abreast of the latest developments, and applying this knowledge to craft prompts that yield highly customized, accurate, and useful outputs. For them, AI is a playground of possibilities, a space where their technical curiosity and creativity can flourish, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve in professional and personal projects.

My Thoughts

As AI continues to evolve, users will find more ways to maximize how we include it in our everyday lives. Having a foundational understanding of AI beyond just basic questions will improve your communication through actual conversation, while simultaneously teaching you ways of improving your skills with AI. The best method of learning how to use AI is to ACTUALLY USE AI. People and articles may explain the concept of AI and what it does, but you will discover that the most impactful, effective, and engaging way to learn AI is to USE AI. My recommendation to you would be to visit and log in with Google (or your email address of choice) and try asking it a question. When you get your answer, keep the conversation going, without starting a new chat, and this will help you understand the conversational nature of AI and how you can get the information you need. 

When asking questions, try variations of your inputs. Here are a few example conversation starters (You can copy and paste these into ChatGPT and fill in your applicable topic area):

Brainstorm 10 ideas for [—topic—]

Generate 10 instagram posts for [—topic—]

I am trying to  [ —tell what you are looking to accomplish —]. Brainstorm 3 ways I can [—action you are trying to do—]

The journey from a surface level AI user to an adept one is not only about leveraging AI for its immediate benefits but embracing the depth of its capabilities to innovate, create, and solve complex challenges. The inevitable segregation of AI users is not a definitive conclusion, but a crossroads for all users, offering a path to those willing to explore beyond the surface and engage with AI in a manner that truly harnesses its power.

In essence, the future of AI is not just about the technology itself but how we choose to engage with it. Whether you're taking your first steps into the world of AI or looking to deepen your existing knowledge, the key lies in active experimentation and continuous learning. By embracing AI as a tool for growth and innovation, NOT as a human replacement, we can all navigate the evolving digital landscape with confidence, ensuring that we're not just passive observers of change but active participants in shaping the future of AI and how we interact with it. 

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